Header image: O.A.C. Centennial Arboretum Centre, Autumn 1998 (photo by Bob Liptrap)
The Arboretum has grown and changed in many ways over the past 50 years. It can be difficult to see these changes especially in plant growth and development from daily or seasonal observation. Below we have selected pictures from the past and present to highlight and celebrate The Arboretum’s extensive growth and development over time.
Aerial view of The Arboretum
Aerial view of The Arboretum, August 1979.
Aerial view of The Arboretum, 2020.
The J.C. Taylor Nature Centre
J.C. Taylor Nature Centre.
J.C. Taylor Centre, 2020.
The David G. Porter Memorial Japanese Garden
The David G. Porter Memorial Japanese Garden, 1995.
The David G. Porter Memorial Japanese Garden, 2020.
The World of Trees Trail
A group of people walking along the Trillium Trail, 1991.
The Trillium Trail, 2020.
Staff Style
Summer staff, 1978.
Arboretum staff picture, 2020.
Sweet gum tree
Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) tree.
Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), 2020.
The Edna and Frank C. Miller English Garden
The Edna and Frank C. Miller English Garden, 1998 (photo by Bob Liptrap).
The English Garden, 2020.
Garden Three of the Gosling Wildlife Gardens
Arboretum staff in Garden Three of the Gosling Wildlife Gardens partway through the installation of the new Native Plants Garden, 2003.
Garden Three of the Gosling Wildlife Gardens, 2020.