Header image: Arboretum summer staff and grounds crew, 1982
This is a sampling of some of the many photos that have been taken and people that have been a part of The Arboretum’s 50 years of operations. Do you have some photos you would like to share? Upload them to our Arboretum History Kudoboard.
Back row: Ron Kelly, Fran Forrest, John Curtis, Brad Arner, Dave Megit, Mike Allenand Brenda McMillan. Front row: Ross Bradshaw, Charlie Dobbin, Kathy Smith, Joan Watt, Tedd Kazanowski and Ric Jordan. John Curtis next to EZGo ATV. Henry Kock teaches about forest ecology. Sean Fox in the Skyjack (photo by Skyjack). Alan Watson and Chris Earley. Ric Jordan mows the old Gosling Wildlife Garden, the Prairie Garden, 1977. Arboretum staff, 2014. Back row, left to right: Sean Fox, Ric Jordan, Kellen Wood, Chris Earley, Lig Taurins, Barb Ash, Shelley Hunt, Aron Fazekas, and Polly Samland and Ranee Pararajasingham in front. This is a sampling of some of the many photos that have been taken and people that have been a part of The Arboretum’s 50 years of operations. Do you have some photos you would like to share? Upload them to our Arboretum History Kudoboard.
“You get people outside and it is a revelation. You are trying to reveal meaning and relationships about the natural environment to the participants through them experiencing it firsthand – they’re not watching tv, they’re not reading about it. They’re out there and you’re leading them through this experience and you’re trying to not only point things out to them, but showing them how it relates … how one is needed for the other to continue”
“The purpose of natural areas is that they were here before we were … We just get to use them as an opportunity to teach people about the importance of natural areas and the species interactions that you would see in those spaces”
“My favourite place [in The Arboretum] is probably the Gosling Wildlife Gardens. It’s just a super way of connecting people with nature and giving them a concrete experience of how they can bring that home to their own yard so they can continue that connection after they leave the site.”