Header image: The Annual Plant Sale, held on the West Lawn in 1998 (photo by Wayne Prowse)
The Plant Sale was established to raise awareness and funds to support all manner of activities at The Arboretum. For the first sale in 1992, volunteers grew rare and native plants off-site and donated them to be sold. Over the years the Plant Sale has shifted locations, size and focus. In some years dedicated Arboretum Auxiliary volunteers grow an expanded selection of plants in the on-site Propagation Centre. It has been combined with an Expo featuring a range of research, teaching and affiliated groups. In 2020 during the pandemic, it switched to an online auction with physically distanced curbside pickups.
This is a sampling of some of the many photos that have been taken and people that have been a part of The Arboretum’s 50 years of operations. Do you have some photos you would like to share? Upload them to our Arboretum History Kudoboard.